Producer: PSO GmbH
Further documents:
The add-on “PSO Scan” is based on the framework of the PSO process engine. It is a building block for calling, to validate and to restore the scanned data to / from a log table. The log table in this case represents the interface of both.
Conceivable are all kinds of certificates such as scan data from “permits the extension of the ablation end of the annual leave on 31 March of the following year away.”
A report reads the scanned data (CSV format), processes it and stores it in the log table of PSO Process Engine (process status “SCA0”)
With the data validation scanned files must be reviewed and approved for accuracy. This is necessary since a 100% detection never can be guaranteed. During the transfer, conversion and assignments already be made on the basis of AU data to the relevant personnel number.
Left image area:
Middle image area:
Right image area:
During the AU-process appropriate technical and functional tests are performed, so that an update is performed only if the correct data is available. Error messages and information can be tracked and analyzed by the log table (field Messages) at any time.
Locked personnel numbers will not be processed, but driven again by a restart functionality.
Performance Tests
There are tests already been delivered, to ensure data quality:
Further tests may be deposited.
Expert examinations
Identification and mapping of the AU absence to the absence subtypes in SAP. (Disease with certificate, work- or commuting accidents, etc.)
Authorization Checks
Process examples of the solutions “PSO Process Engine / PSO scan” can be found here.
Producer: PSO GmbH
Producer: PSO GmbH
Producer: PSO GmbH
Producer: PSO GmbH
Producer: PSO GmbH